Channel: LSDBase » Wild Divine LightStone IOM
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2014-09-04 – Castles in the Sky

I dusted off my LightStone and set out on a new quest to detect the dream state from the heartbeat. The heart rate variability (HRV) channel sometimes creates castle-like patterns during deep sleep like in the printout below:
13 Strained Heartbeats at 0005

This pattern is sometimes interrupted – by movements, bad sensor readings and dreams perchance:

Eye Movement Count from EEG at 0017

I woke up at 0308 when the electrode gel dried up and triggered a string of false positives from the OpenEEG channel. I stayed up for 30 minutes for some Choline and Galantamine and was plagued by numerous false awakenings over the next 3 hours. I also tried out a EV-806A tENS unit at 40 Hz on Fp1 and Fp2 for a few minutes before sleep.

The BPM channel (grey) sometimes climbs of its own accord – that might be the first place to start looking:

Eye Movement Count from EEG at 0017

Download entry as Lucid Scribe Data (LSD) or Comma Separated Values (CSV).

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